List of Nouns: 1000+ Most Common Nouns List | NIGI ENGLISH CARE


The following are 1000+ of the most commonly used nouns in the English language. They are sorted alphabetically and by their grammatical functions. One of the most important types of word within any language, is the noun and this is no different in English. There is more than one type of noun, and this might seem like somewhat of a complicated concept, so we are now going to break it down so that we can get a better grasp on the various types of nouns and how they are used. We are also going to be looking at a variety of examples to demonstrate their use and allow us to gain a greater understanding of their function.

List of Nouns

Nouns List (from A-Z)

List of Nouns that Start with A

  • Ability
  • Access
  • Accident
  • Account
  • Act
  • Action
  • Activity
  • Actor
  • Ad
  • Addition
  • Address
  • Administration
  • Advantage
  • Advertising
  • Advice
  • Affair
  • Age
  • Agency
  • Agreement
  • Air
  • Airport
  • Alcohol
  • Ambition
  • Amount
  • Analysis
  • Analyst
  • Animal
  • Answer
  • Anxiety
  • Apartment
  • Appearance
  • Apple
  • Application
  • Appointment
  • Area
  • Argument
  • Army
  • Arrival
  • Art
  • Article
  • Aspect
  • Assignment
  • Assistance
  • Assistant
  • Association
  • Assumption
  • Atmosphere
  • Attempt
  • Attention
  • Attitude
  • Audience
  • Aunt
  • Average
  • Awareness

List of Nouns that Start with B

  • Back
  • Bad
  • Balance
  • Ball
  • Bank
  • Baseball
  • Basis
  • Basket
  • Bath
  • Bathroom
  • Bedroom
  • Beer
  • Beginning
  • Benefit
  • Bird
  • Birth
  • Birthday
  • Bit
  • Blood
  • Board
  • Boat
  • Body
  • Bonus
  • Book
  • Boss
  • Bottom
  • Box
  • Boy
  • Boyfriend
  • Bread
  • Breath
  • Brother
  • Building
  • Bus
  • Business
  • Buyer

List of Nouns that Start with C

  • Cabinet
  • Camera
  • Cancer
  • Candidate
  • Capital
  • Car
  • Card
  • Care
  • Career
  • Case
  • Cash
  • Cat
  • Category
  • Cause
  • Celebration
  • Cell
  • Championship
  • Chance
  • Chapter
  • Charity
  • Cheek
  • Chemistry
  • Chest
  • Chicken
  • Child
  • Childhood
  • Chocolate
  • Choice
  • Church
  • Cigarette
  • City
  • Class
  • Classroom
  • Client
  • Climate
  • Clothes
  • Coast
  • Coffee
  • Collection
  • College
  • Combination
  • Committee
  • Communication
  • Community
  • Company
  • Comparison
  • Competition
  • Complaint
  • Computer
  • Concept
  • Conclusion
  • Condition
  • Confusion
  • Connection
  • Consequence
  • Construction
  • Contact
  • Context
  • Contract
  • Contribution
  • Control
  • Conversation
  • Cookie
  • Country
  • County
  • Courage
  • Course
  • Cousin
  • Craft
  • Credit
  • Criticism
  • Culture
  • Currency
  • Customer
  • Cycle

List of Nouns that Start with D

  • Dad
  • Data
  • Database
  • Date
  • Day
  • Dealer
  • Death
  • Debt
  • Decision
  • Definition
  • Delivery
  • Demand
  • Department
  • Departure
  • Depression
  • Depth
  • Description
  • Design
  • Desk
  • Development
  • Device
  • Diamond
  • Difference
  • Difficulty
  • Dinner
  • Direction
  • Director
  • Dirt
  • Disaster
  • Discipline
  • Discussion
  • Disease
  • Disk
  • Distribution
  • Dog
  • Drama
  • Drawer
  • Drawing
  • Driver

List of Nouns that Start with E

  • Ear
  • Earth
  • Economics
  • Economy
  • Editor
  • Education
  • Effect
  • Efficiency
  • Effort
  • Egg
  • Election
  • Elevator
  • Emotion
  • Emphasis
  • Employee
  • Employer
  • Employment
  • End
  • Energy
  • Engine
  • Entertainment
  • Enthusiasm
  • Entry
  • Environment
  • Equipment
  • Error
  • Establishment
  • Estate
  • Event
  • Exam
  • Examination
  • Example
  • Exchange
  • Excitement
  • Exercise
  • Experience
  • Explanation
  • Expression
  • Extent
  • Eye

List of Nouns that Start with F

  • Face
  • Fact
  • Failure
  • Family
  • Farmer
  • Fat
  • Feature
  • Feedback
  • Field
  • Figure
  • Film
  • Finding
  • Fire
  • Fish
  • Flight
  • Focus
  • Food
  • Football
  • Force
  • Form
  • Fortune
  • Foundation
  • Frame
  • Freedom
  • Friendship
  • Fun
  • Funeral
  • Future

List of Nouns that Start with G

  • Game
  • Garbage
  • Garden
  • Gate
  • Gene
  • Gift
  • Girl
  • Girlfriend
  • Goal
  • Government
  • Grandmother
  • Grocery
  • Group
  • Growth
  • Guest
  • Guidance
  • Guide
  • Guitar

List of Nouns that Start with H

  • Hair
  • Half
  • Hall
  • Hand
  • Hat
  • Head
  • Health
  • Hearing
  • Heart
  • Heat
  • Height
  • Highway
  • Historian
  • History
  • Home
  • Homework
  • Honey
  • Hope
  • Hospital
  • Hotel
  • House
  • Housing

List of Nouns that Start with I

  • Ice
  • Idea
  • Image
  • Imagination
  • Impact
  • Importance
  • Impression
  • Improvement
  • Income
  • Independence
  • Indication
  • Industry
  • Inflation
  • Information
  • Initiative
  • Injury
  • Insect
  • Inside
  • Inspection
  • Inspector
  • Instance
  • Instruction
  • Insurance
  • Intention
  • Interaction
  • Interest
  • Internet
  • Introduction
  • Investment
  • Issue
  • Item

List of Nouns that Start with J, K

  • Job
  • Judgment
  • Key
  • Kind
  • King
  • Knowledge

List of Nouns that Start with L

  • Lab
  • Ladder
  • Lady
  • Lake
  • Language
  • Law
  • Leader
  • Leadership
  • Length
  • Level
  • Library
  • Life
  • Light
  • Line
  • Link
  • List
  • Literature
  • Location
  • Loss
  • Love

List of Nouns that Start with M

  • Machine
  • Magazine
  • Maintenance
  • Mall
  • Man
  • Management
  • Manager
  • Manufacturer
  • Map
  • Market
  • Marketing
  • Marriage
  • Material
  • Math
  • Matter
  • Meal
  • Meaning
  • Measurement
  • Meat
  • Media
  • Medicine
  • Medium
  • Member
  • Membership
  • Memory
  • Menu
  • Message
  • Metal
  • Method
  • Midnight
  • Mind
  • Mixture
  • Mode
  • Model
  • Mom
  • Moment
  • Money
  • Month
  • Mood
  • Morning
  • Mouse
  • Movie
  • Mud
  • Music

List of Nouns that Start with N

  • Name
  • Nation
  • Nature
  • Negotiation
  • Network
  • News
  • Newspaper
  • Night
  • Note
  • Nothing
  • Number

List of Nouns that Start with O

  • Object
  • Obligation
  • Office
  • Oil
  • Operation
  • Opinion
  • Opportunity
  • Orange
  • Order
  • Organization
  • Outcome
  • Outside
  • Oven
  • Owner

List of Nouns that Start with P

  • Page
  • Paint
  • Painting
  • Paper
  • Part
  • Passenger
  • Passion
  • Patience
  • Payment
  • Penalty
  • People
  • Percentage
  • Perception
  • Performance
  • Period
  • Permission
  • Person
  • Personality
  • Perspective
  • Philosophy
  • Phone
  • Photo
  • Physics
  • Piano
  • Picture
  • Pie
  • Piece
  • Pizza
  • Place
  • Plan
  • Platform
  • Player
  • Poem
  • Poet
  • Poetry
  • Point
  • Police
  • Policy
  • Politics
  • Pollution
  • Population
  • Position
  • Possession
  • Possibility
  • Post
  • Pot
  • Potato
  • Power
  • Practice
  • Preference
  • Preparation
  • Presence
  • Presentation
  • President
  • Pressure
  • Price
  • Priority
  • Problem
  • Procedure
  • Process
  • Product
  • Profession
  • Professor
  • Profit
  • Program
  • Promotion
  • Property
  • Proposal
  • Protection
  • Psychology
  • Purpose

List of Nouns that Start with Q,R

  • Quality
  • Quantity
  • Queen
  • Question
  • Radio
  • Range
  • Rate
  • Ratio
  • Reaction
  • Reality
  • Reason
  • Reception
  • Recipe
  • Recognition
  • Recommendation
  • Record
  • Recording
  • Reflection
  • Refrigerator
  • Region
  • Relation
  • Relationship
  • Replacement
  • Republic
  • Reputation
  • Requirement
  • Research
  • Resolution
  • Resource
  • Response
  • Responsibility
  • Restaurant
  • Result
  • Revenue
  • Review
  • Revolution
  • Risk
  • River
  • Road
  • Rock
  • Role
  • Room
  • Rule

List of Nouns that Start with S

  • Safety
  • Salad
  • Salt
  • Sample
  • Satisfaction
  • Scale
  • Scene
  • School
  • Science
  • Screen
  • Secretary
  • Section
  • Sector
  • Security
  • Selection
  • Sense
  • Series
  • Service
  • Session
  • Setting
  • Shape
  • Share
  • Shirt
  • Side
  • Sign
  • Signature
  • Significance
  • Singer
  • Sir
  • Sister
  • Site
  • Situation
  • Size
  • Skill
  • Society
  • Software
  • Soil
  • Solution
  • Son
  • Song
  • Sound
  • Soup
  • Source
  • Space
  • Speaker
  • Speech
  • Sport
  • Square
  • Standard
  • Star
  • State
  • Statement
  • Steak
  • Step
  • Stock
  • Storage
  • Store
  • Story
  • Stranger
  • Strategy
  • Stress
  • Structure
  • Student
  • Studio
  • Study
  • Style
  • Subject
  • Success
  • Suggestion
  • Sun
  • Supermarket
  • Surgery
  • Sympathy
  • System

List of Nouns that Start with T

  • Table
  • Tale
  • Task
  • Tax
  • Tea
  • Teacher
  • Technology
  • Television
  • Temperature
  • Tennis
  • Tension
  • Term
  • Test
  • Thanks
  • Theory
  • Thing
  • Thought
  • Throat
  • Time
  • Tongue
  • Tool
  • Tooth
  • Top
  • Topic
  • Town
  • Trade
  • Tradition
  • Trainer
  • Training
  • Transportation
  • Truth
  • Two
  • Type

List of Nouns that Start with U,V

  • Uncle
  • Understanding
  • Union
  • Unit
  • University
  • User
  • Value
  • Variation
  • Variety
  • Vehicle
  • Version
  • Video
  • View
  • Village
  • Virus
  • Voice
  • Volume

List of Nouns that Start with W,Y

  • War
  • Warning
  • Water
  • Way
  • Weakness
  • Wealth
  • Weather
  • Web
  • Wedding
  • Week
  • While
  • Wife
  • Wind
  • Winner
  • Woman
  • Wood
  • Word
  • Work
  • Worker
  • World
  • Writer
  • Writing
  • Year
  • Youth

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