150 Sentences of Simple Past Tense | NIGI ENGLISH CARE


150 Sentences of Simple Past Tense

Past Simple Tense

The most important detail here is that in the sentence using the Simple Present Tense, the event or situation happened in the past and ended in the past. Now it will be useful to examine sentence structures:

  • Regardless of the subject in affirmative sentences, the following verb must be in the second structure.
  • In cases where there is no verb sentence, auxiliary verbs belonging to the subjects are in the second structure. You-We-They subjects are followed by the auxiliary verb “were” and the I-She-He-It subjects are followed by the auxiliary verb “was”.
  • Regardless of the subject in negative sentences, “did not” is placed immediately after the subject, and then the verb takes place in the first structure.
  • Regardless of the subject in interrogative sentences, “did” is put at the beginning and then the subject comes. Immediately after the subject, the verb takes place in the first structure.

Past Simple Tense Example Sentences

1. I watched TV last week.

2. We ate meat with my best friend yesterday.

3. The bus stopped a few minutes ago.

4. I met my wife 9 years ago.

5. She left the school in 2010.

6. He bought a new house last month.

7. Did she clean her home?

8. I read an interesting book last month.

9. We did a lot of shopping at the shopping mall.

10. He cut his finger and went to hospital.

11. She finished her work at six o’clock.

12. The rain stopped an hour ago.

13. It discovered a new land.

14. We watched a movie last weekend.

15. We were good friends.

16. You were at station.

17. I went to bed early yesterday.

18. George came home very late last night.

19. I forgot my wallet.

20. He had a dog last year.

21. Last year I traveled to Germany.

22. Two boys played with a ball.

23. An old lady walked with her cat.

24. A nurse brought a little girl baby to the park.

25. An old man sat down and read his book.

26. A large trunk came around the corner.

27. She finished all the exercices.

28. I enrolled to the pilates course.

29. Dr Smith healed the patient.

30. They bought 2 tickets for the U2 concert.

31. Michael studied hard all year.

32. Did you play football last day?

33. I missed the class last week.

34. My brother drank a glass of milk 2 hours ago.

35. They had a meeting with her colleagues.

36. They were students last year.

37. He smoked a cigarrette.

38. They lived in the Spain.

39. Alex changed his place.

40. I liked the film.

41. Did they lose the match?

42. A gardener swept up dead leaves.

43. We listened to music.

44. Where was she at 7 o’clock last night?

45. Amelia chose to stay with her father.

46. Mary forgot to turn off the light.

47. I cancelled my meeting for tomorrow.

48. I went to school yesterday.

49. We played basketball last Sunday.

50. We saw the Eiffel Tower.

51. We waited for you for 15 minutes.

52. I met Mary at school yesterday.

53. They went to the cinema yesterday and then ate.

54. I went to elementary school in Texas.

  1. I went on vacation to Ooty this summer.
  2. I went swimming in the sea yesterday.
  3. I bought a new computer last week.
  4. I watched this movie with my sister.
  5. They were very tired last week.
  6. We opened a new Youtube channel.
  7. I didn’t leave the house today.
  8. I didn’t go to the cinema yesterday.
  9. We played games in the park for hours yesterday.
  10. Sam didn’t come to the picnic yesterday.
  11. I visited yesterday with my cousin.
  12. I passed the math exam.
  13. Yesterday the mechanic fixed my car.
  14. I worked for 3 hours yesterday.
  15. My brother was not at home.
  16. The flat was sold 2 months ago.
  17. We did not come.
  18. We went to the shopping mall.
  19. My father bought a red car.
  20. I have read this book 3 times.
  21. We got married twenty years ago.
  22. My parents went to the cottage.
  23. Didn’t you get the tickets?
  24. I went to Madrid on vacation last year.
  25. My father bought a new house.
  26. You were not at work last Monday.
  27. I learned that not everything on the internet is true.
  28. I said don’t bother here.
  29. They hosted us very well.
  30. They left without saying goodbye to us.
  31. The weather was beautiful yesterday.
  32. What time did you go to bed yesterday?
  33. We played basketball last Sunday.
  34. Didn’t he tell you the other day?
  35. My sister graduated from school with first place.
  36. I passed 6th grade.
  37. We won the match and became champions.
  38. I told you the computer is broken.
  39. I installed the program on the computer.
  40. I brushed my teeth in the morning.
  41. I took the exam three weeks ago.
  42. The teacher introduced a new topic.
  43. I went to the party yesterday.
  44. I went to the military ten years ago.
  45. The three of us shared a chocolate.
  46. I went to the theater at 7 o’clock.
  47. I went to Italy last year.
  48. I started a new job last month.
  49. We moved to New York in 2013.
  50. My aunts returned home.
  51. I knew you didn’t go to school last week.
  52. I spoke to the tourists in English.
  53. I went to university outside the city.
  54. I got my salary and went to the restaurant.
  55. Soup was very tasty.
  56. I got 85 points on the history exam.
  57. I got a new job and bought a car.
  58. I went to bed early yesterday.
  59. He picked up the plates and left.
  60. I prepared you a wonderful dinner.
  61. My mother asked me for help.
  62. I was very happy last week.
  63. He played games on the computer all day.
  64. I saw you in the garden last night.
  65. I watched a very funny video on youtube.
  66. I came to school.
  67. Did you hear the news?
  68. Who told you this?
  69. I paid the repairman his money.
  70. They met at school at five o’clock.
  71. I came from London last week.
  72. How long did you wait for us?
  73. They came to help us yesterday.
  74. I did not go to school yesterday.
  75. My parents came to us.
  76. I got gas in the car and hit the road.
  77. Mary sang a beautiful song.
  78. What time did you come home?
  79. Alex learned English.
  80. Did you get a salary last month?
  81. My mother cleaned the house.
  82. I learned a lot in class yesterday.
  83. I bought a new pair of pants.
  84. He got up early in the morning.
  85. My mom and dad met in a church.
  86. My son ate his dinner and went to the park.
  87. I had my breakfast.
  88. I ran 5 kilometers in the park yesterday.
  89. He didn’t come with us yesterday.
  90. He watched movies all day.
  91. Workers watered the forests.
  92. Details were discussed at the meeting.
  93. They lived here as children.
  94. We arrived at the office in the morning.
  95. I loaned George $500.
  96. We published this article.

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